International Border Studies Center

at the University of Gdańsk, Poland
Miłosława Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk
ORCID: 0000-0002-9312-9553

Prof. (Associate), German philologist, university lecturer; supervisor of the  Research Lab for Memory Narratives of Borderlands at the University of Gdańsk (since 2012); studied German Philology at the Jagiellonian University, University of Leipzig and University of Gdańsk, Ph.D-student at the University of Gdansk and the Ruhr-University of Bochum: Ph.D thesis (2008): The Prussian Ethos and Culture of Memory. Autobiographical Texts of Prussian Nobility from Pomerania and East Prussia after 1945 (published as Pamięć dla przyszłości […], Wrocław: ATUT 2009; =Zrozumieć Niemcy). 2008−2021 Adiunkt [Assistant Professor] at the Institute for German Philology at the University of Gdańsk, 2018−2019 visiting professor at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany). President of the Günter Grass Association in Gdańsk (since 2017), vice-president oft he Kashubian Institute (since 2015).

Research interests: borderland studies, multicultural literature, autobiographical narrations (especially of authors of Jewish background and nobility), literature from German-Polish borderland(s), collective memory in borderland after 1989, identity and border issues, literary imagology.

Current publications: (2019) Jüdische Gedächtnistopographien im Grenzraum. Autobiographik nach 1945 von Autoren jüdischer Herkunft im Pommernland (Pommerellen und Hinterpommern). Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; (2019) Zwischen Eigen und Fremd. Stimmungsbilder der Kaschubei / Pomiędzy swojskością a obcością. Obrazowanie nastroju Kaszub, Gdańsk: Instytut Kaszubski  (co-edited with Oliwia Murawska); (2019) Mit schrägem Blick? Das Kaschubische im Kontext von Günter Grass’ Lebenswerk und seiner Rezeption, in: „Freipass. Forum für Literatur, Bildende Kunst und Politik“, Band 4: Horst Janssen und Günter Grass, hg. v. Volker Neuhauss, Per Øhrgard, Philipp-Jürgen Thomsa, Berlin: Links Verlag 2019, 108−130; (2019) ‚Auch Über Damrokka Wüßte Ich Gerne Ein Wenig Mehr.’ Günter Grass’ Dialoge Mit Der Kaschubischen Literatur, in: „Oxford German Studies“, Sept. 2019, Vol. 48, 3, 2019, 374−390; (2019) „Ich bin ein Koszaliner”? Struggles with belongings in borderlands. Leslie Baruch Brents autobiography Sunday’s Child? A memoire, in: Marcin Moskalewicz, Ute Caumanns, Fritz Dross (Eds.): Jewish Medicine and Healthcare in Central Eastern Europe. Shared Identities, Entangled Histories. Berlin: Springer 2019, 219233  (=Religion, Spirituality and Health: A Social Scientific Approach).

List of selected publications